The 2020 Review

I will skip the 2020 rant - we all know it was a special year. Yet, it was one of many learnings for me personally. The Good working from home works quite well (given the right team) being stuck at home with my girlfriend most of the time is not a recipe for disaster Daily Yoga and meditation is like a super-power 🧘‍♂️ Turning 30: feeling pumped for the new decade of my life 💪 The Bad I have stopped running longer distance (>5k) due to recurring knee problems 😭 I have not written as many articles as I planned to Overall, I have learned a lot, dabbled into personal side-projects and discovered the indie-hacking scene....

January 2, 2021 · alex franz

The Personal Python Data Science Toolkit - Part 1

As a Data Scientist you will be spending a large chunk of your time doing repetitive work across projects. You get a new data set and you run the same boilerplate code for your analysis: Import data, check for missing values, distribution check, cleansing, yada yada … I know, datasets are very different yet I still see how often times the very same steps are repeated blindly in notebooks over and over again....

October 5, 2020 · alex franz

Public speaking as an exercise

Two weeks ago I had the great pleasure to co-organize the AI in Action MeetUp at the office of my employer Sennder. With the MeetUp’s theme centered around mobility and logistics, I had the honor of presenting a talk on Geospatial Feature Engineering. Presenting a talk at the local MeetUp Start small - practice often Public speaking is still considered to be amongst the most dreaded activities for people (Glossophobia) - this used to apply to me as well....

February 23, 2020 · alex franz

2020 Visions - Starting a new blog

I know it’s almost too late for a new year’s speech (rather talk, or blog entry!). Gym owners are most likely already in agony as they see the hordes of new years resolution joiners already quitting those shiny new contracts. But not here! What does this year have in store for me (and for you?). On a general note, I want to use this blog primarily as a practice for my writing and occasional sharing of projects....

January 28, 2020 · alex franz